

For leaving students

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Departing Kagawa University and Japan

Please follow the departure check list below and prepare for your departure.

  1. Return student ID and access card to the educational affairs office of engineering faculty
  2. Submit “form for graduating student” to the educational affairs office of engineering faculty
  3. Contact real estate office or dormitory manager to arrange for leaving your residence
  4. Contact respective service companies to disconnect utility service of your apartment
  5. Close bank account
  6. Cancel national health insurance at city council
  7. Terminate mobile phone and internet service
  8. Return rental bicycle
  9. Return resident card at departing airport in Japan

Check list for departure (pdfアイコンPDF:34KB) (EXCELアイコンExcel:18KB)
Form for graduating student (pdfアイコンPDF:76KB) (EXCELアイコンExcel:23KB)
Mail Magazine (pdfアイコンPDF:115KB)