


ホーム > ニュース > 研究情報 > 工学研究科修士課程修了生 高橋雛子さんおよび磯田恭佑講師らの研究が、Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing社の電子ジャーナル”Dalton Transactions”のInside Back Coverに選出されました。

工学研究科修士課程修了生 高橋雛子さんおよび磯田恭佑講師らの研究が、Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing社の電子ジャーナル”Dalton Transactions”のInside Back Coverに選出されました。

2019年7月23日に、Royal Society of Chemistry Publishingより刊行された”Dalton Transactions”誌に、高橋雛子さん(香川大学工学研究科材料創造工学研究科 修士課程修了生)、磯田恭佑(創造工学部創造工学科先端マテリアル科学コース 講師)らの研究論文が掲載され、本誌のInside Back Coverに選出されました(図1)。

題名:One-dimensional Single-helix Coordination Polymer Self-Assembled by a Crown-ether Appended-N-heteroacene Radical Anion
著者:Kyosuke Isoda,* Hinako Takahashi, Yuichiro Mutoh, Norihisa Hoshino, Tomoyuki Akutagawa
雑誌名:Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48, 13125–13129.
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????????????????????????????????????????????? 図1. 採択されたFront Cover


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???????????????????????????????????????? 図2. 開発した分子の構造と単結晶X線構造解析結果


The research paper by Ms. Takahashi and Dr. Isoda was highlighted as an Inside Back Cover in “Dalton Transactions” (Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing) !!

Title:One-dimensional Single-helix Coordination Polymer Self-Assembled by a Crown-ether Appended-N-heteroacene Radical Anion
Authors:Kyosuke Isoda,* Hinako Takahashi, Yuichiro Mutoh, Norihisa Hoshino, Tomoyuki Akutagawa
Article:Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48, 13125–13129.

Abstract : We prepared a 1D single-helix coordination polymer composed of a CE-π N-heteroacene radical anion bridging ligand by cooperative reductions of both electrocrystallization and NaBPh4 as the reductant. The N-heteroacene-based radical anion ligand forms a heptcoordination 1 : 1 complex with a sodium cation in the absence of a counter cation/anion species for charge compensation as well as the solvent molecules, leading to the simple 1D coordination polymer. Until now, radical cations based on thiafulvene frameworks have been reported for supramolecular structures as well as various redox-active and electro-active properties.15 Also, sodium naphthalenide has been used as an initiator of a living anion polymerization as well as a reducing reagent, reports of which indicated its importance in the development of radical species. Therefore, our strategy for the development of radical anions using a CE-π N-heteroacene derivative is expected to fabricate simple structures showing novel functions.


URL for Paper↓

?URL for Isoda Lab.↓